Monday- A Play in Three Parts

>> Monday, February 28, 2011

Act 1: In which I wake up in good mood, prepare a healthy breakfast for my children, pack a healthy lunch for my husband, clean the entire kitchen, carry all laundry to the basement, and get a healthy dinner in the slowcooker, all before I even have my coffee.

Act 2: Wherein we discover that there is only enough laundry soap for one load (there are 5 loads to be done), the baby smears pb&j in her hair and requires a bath prior to naptime, and we find out that the "ranch dressing" I put into the aforementioned sack lunch was actually leftover clam chowder.

Act 3: Our hero (that would be me) seriously considers having donuts and wine for lunch, but decides against it. Because we have no more wine.

Happy Monday, all.


Cheryl February 28, 2011 at 10:03 PM  

I feel a strong need to mail you wine.

A Happy, Jolly Girl March 1, 2011 at 9:37 AM  

Glad I am not the only and your little family make me happy.

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