4 months.
>> Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Baby had her 4-month checkup today. At a NEW doctors office, hopefully one where I won't hate all the doctors like I did at our old office. I actually didn't even meet any doctors yet though, cause today we had the nurse practitioner for our visit. And now, the stats-
She's 23.5 inches long. That's 25th percentile for height. (That's what I was as a kid! Hurrah! A shrimp!!!) She's 11lb8oz. That's 10th percentile for weight.
Anyways I got lost in those parentheses. What you need to know is that there was this other little baby there, I'm not sure how old, but it didn't look brand brand new, so maybe 2 months? This baby had the most amazing head of hair I have ever seen in my life. Seriously. The kid had like a 4inch mohawk and I am not even exaggerating. I totally snuck a pic with my camera phone because this mohawk was that amazing. I've cropped the photo and blurred out the baby's face so I can show you the hair here.
i just want to see your baby!!!!! and you. shes going to be sooooo big by the time i get to see her next.
Wow. The "iz a peanut" is my all-time favorite of her!
Do you stay at home with her?
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