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>> Friday, May 13, 2011

Violet's birthday is next Monday. Since her party is in two days, I figured now is as good a time as any to start planning it...

Argh. As a good 21st century mama, I immediately googled "first birthday party" and then became increasingly despondent that I do not have the craftiness or planniness or prettiness required to pull off one of those ridiculously gorgeous parties you see floating around tha blawgz.

Thank goodness I then came across this article, and in particular, this bit of advice:

You're tired and busy, but you want to celebrate your baby's first birthday, dammit! Don't go overboard with anything, just make foods you love and invite your favourite people over for a beautiful brunch.

Nothing elaborate, just get on the horn and ask. Or, even easier, send an email. You don't even have to punctuate it."

Ok. The internet has officially given me permission to get a bunch of balloons, order some pizzas, buy some beers, hang the same HAPPY BIRTHDAY banner we've used the past two years (though this time we'll have to take it down at some point, instead of leaving it up on the wall for Fiona/Mama/Daddy/Jesus' birthdays), and call it a day. Happy birthday, Violet. I really do love you lots. It's just... I don't have the wherewithall to plan an entire Cheerio-themed party, as MUCH as I would love to. I should just embrace my balloons-and-cupcakes self.

It will be great. And you'll turn one either way. Also, walking? My lovey! You're such a big girl!


LSchuelke July 26, 2011 at 6:19 PM  

Ok, so this might be totally weird that I've never met you yet I am leaving you comments about your kiddos birthday party. BUT, KUDOS for not flipping out over a theme or decorations. I admit, I drool over blogland's elaborate kiddo birthday party ideas but then I am knocked back to my senses with one simple idea: those kinds of ridiculous decorations, invites, games, etc just SCREAM, "I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH TO DO!! NOT ONLY DO I BLOG ABOUT EVERY SOLITARY SECOND OF MY CHILD'S LIFE, BUT I ALSO STRING CHEERIOS INTO A CHANDELIER!! DON'T YOU FEEL LIKE A TOTAL CRAP MOM, AND I'M NOT?! NAH-NAH-NAH-NAH-BOO-BOO." Pshhh...and don't get me started on poshly decorated nurseries...or even having a nursery to begin with! ;) haha

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